Enrolment Process

Enrolment & Interview Process at Columba

  1.       Complete Application for Enrolment in full
  •         Ensure you complete each section of the form where applicable

  1.       Return Application for Enrolment in person or to either:
  •         Email: office@columba.catholic.edu.au
  •         Post: PO Box 274, CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820

  1.      Supply with Application:
  •         Birth certificate or extract or identity documents
  •         Sacramental certificates
  •         Copy of latest school report and/or reference from previous school
  •         Copy of Year 3, 5 or 7 NAPLAN Results as applicable
  •         Documentation relating to special needs (any reports, action plans, assessments, etc)
  •         Court orders (if applicable)
  •         Health Care/Pension Concession Card (if applicable)
  •         Immunisation Records

If your child is NOT an Australian Citizen, you will need to provide:

  •         Passport or travel documents
  •         Current visa and previous visas (if applicable)

In addition, if your child is a temporary visa holder you will also need to provide:

  •         Authority to Enrol or evidence of permission to transfer provided by the International Student Centre

(if holding an International full fee student visa, sub-class 571P)

  •         Authority to Enrol for visitor and temporary resident holders may be required (other than sub-class 571P

referred to above) issued by the Temporary Visa Holders Program Unit

  •         Evidence of the visa the student has applied for (if the student holds a bridging visa)

  1.       Principal Reviews Enrolment

(Will not be reviewed until all supporting documents have been submitted with complete enrolment)

  •         Deputy Principal Pastoral and Residential reviews enrolment if Boarding application
  •         Residential Leader reviews enrolment if applicable
  •         Guidance Counsellor reviews enrolment if applicable 

  1.       Enrolment Registrar Contacts family to advise of the outcome
  •         Set up interview if applicable
  •         Request further evidence if applicable
  •         Advise of review of application pending an improved report if applicable

  1.       Student and Parent or Guardian attend Enrolment Interview and Tour
  •         Date and time to be negotiated

  1.      Enrolment Interview Response
  •         Principal will consider enrolment approval
  •         Enrolment Registrar will post/email response letter


Contact Details


PO Box 274
Charters Towers QLD 4820


Mt Carmel Campus

Phone: 07 4787 1744
Fax: 07 4787 4986
6-8 Hackett Terrace
Charters Towers QLD 4820

St Mary's Campus

Phone: 07 4754 6333
59-69 Mary Street
Charters Towers QLD 4820

27 Jul

We are in week 2 of Term 3
There are 9 weeks in Term 3

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